I'll sing of the grace that I found in You
And all that You've done
我要歌頌我在你裡面所尋見的恩典 且你已成就所有
Through the power of the cross for me
I'll sing of the mercy I found in You
And all that You are
我要歌頌我在你裡面所尋見的憐憫 且你就是所有
And the fullness of Your love for me
All that I have has come from Your hand
And all I ever know is Jesus
You are faithful to the end
我始終知道的是 耶穌你是信實直到永遠
I'll tell of the wonders I found in You
And the love that You've shown
我要述說我在你裡面所尋見的美好 與你彰顯的愛
It's higher than the heavens burns in me
All that I have has come from Your hand
And all I ever know is Jesus
You are faithful
我始終知道的是 耶穌你是信實
What in this world could take me from Your love?
All I ever know is Jesus
You are faithful
我始終知道的是 耶穌你是信實
All I ever know is Jesus
You are faithful to the end
我始終知道的是 耶穌你是信實直到永遠